Focusing strictly on residential driveways, West Metro Snow leads the local industry in residential driveway snow removal.
We strive to fulfill the need for reliable yet affordable snow removal. We work tirelessly to improve by listening to our customers, constantly adapting to the times rather than maintaining the status quo. This has led West Metro Snow to utilize cutting edge equipment that is far ahead of their competition, the small tractor & inverted snow blower! The use of this equipment for residential service is not only common but the norm to our north in Fargo and Canada.
Focusing strictly on residential driveways, West Metro Snow leads the local industry in residential driveway snow removal.
We strive to fulfill the need for reliable yet affordable snow removal. We work tirelessly to improve by listening to our customers, constantly adapting to the times rather than maintaining the status quo. This has led West Metro Snow to utilize cutting edge equipment that is far ahead of their competition, the small tractor & inverted snow blower! The use of this equipment for residential service is not only common but the norm to our north in Fargo and Canada.
Our local competitors see driveway snow removal as a headache rather than an opportunity. They complain about the hassle of driveways but offer no real solution for their customers. Rather, they work all night & day servicing their commercial properties and only once all commercial work is completed do they then come to clear residential driveways. This is not a very good deal for you, is it?
Rather than follow in the footsteps of the other companies in the area we have built a residential-centric service model you will love!
Rather than follow in the footsteps of the other companies in the area we have built a residential-centric service model you will love!
Fill out our Contact page, call, or email today for additional information and your free quote!
Email: ch[email protected]
Phone: (612) 787-7569
Email: ch[email protected]
Phone: (612) 787-7569